Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mick McKellar Update -- Day +301

Our 2003 Focus has developed CVWD (Car Versus Wallet Disease). The transmission seal is leaking. The thumping we heard last week is malfunctioning rear shock absorbers. Tonight, as we drove to the restaurant to celebrate our 40th anniversary...the brake pedal plunged to the brakes. The ride home was tense. No joy in Florida Location tonight...however a strained voice may be heard faintly singing in the darkness near my home:

Ho, ho, ho...nowhere to go;
Ho, ho, no transpo;
Out in the driveway, click, click, click -- 
A broken Focus makes me sick...

We were in the parking lot when the brakes nearly failed. So, we had a nice dinner (courtesy of our younger daughter, Amanda who shared both victuals and terror with us), and with the intestinal fortitude provided by large portions of comfort food, we crept home slowly -- by a route with almost no stops and with one hand on the emergency brake.

Tomorrow morning, I will arrange towing to the repair shop. This must be similar to what Marian felt as my caregiver for all those months...always something new failing and always a new expense. Like pushing a rope up a hill: I move forward, but it seems nothing gets accomplished but the generation of frustration. At least the car doesn't complain and doesn't snore.

On a positive note: We are safely home. The Focus is in our driveway, ready to be towed. We had a nice (if nervous) meal -- better than last year's anniversary, spent in hospital and sick from chemotherapy.

Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. Please pray the repairs will be minor (and inexpensive).

Good night and God bless,


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